Select Member/Committee
Abraham, Ralph Lee
Adams, Alma S.
Aderholt, Robert B.
Aguilar, Pete
Alford, Mark
Allen, Rick W.
Allred, Colin Z.
Amash, Justin
Amo, Gabe
Amodei, Mark E.
Ansari, Yassamin
Armstrong, Kelly
Arrington, Jodey C.
Auchincloss, Jake
Axne, Cynthia
Babin, Brian
Bacon, Don
Baird, James R.
Balderson, Troy
Balint, Becca
Banks, Jim
Barletta, Lou
Barr, Andy
Barragan, Nanette Diaz
Barrett, Tom
Barton, Joe
Bass, Karen
Baumgartner, Michael
Bean, Aaron
Beatty, Joyce
Begich, Nicholas J. III
Bell, Wesley
Bentz, Cliff
Bera, Ami
Bergman, Jack
Beyer, Donald S. Jr.
Bice, Stephanie I.
Biggs, Andy
Biggs, Sheri
Bilirakis, Gus M.
Bishop, Dan
Bishop, Mike
Bishop, Rob
Bishop, Sanford D. Jr.
Black, Diane
Blackburn, Marsha
Blum, Rod
Blumenauer, Earl
Blunt Rochester, Lisa
Boebert, Lauren
Bonamici, Suzanne
Bordallo, Madeleine Z.
Bost, Mike
Bourdeaux, Carolyn
Bowman, Jamaal
Boyle, Brendan F.
Brady, Kevin
Brady, Robert A.
Brat, Dave
Brecheen, Josh
Bresnahan, Robert P. Jr.
Bridenstine, Jim
Brindisi, Anthony
Brooks, Mo
Brooks, Susan W.
Brown, Anthony G.
Brown, Shontel M.
Brownley, Julia
Buchanan, Vern
Buck, Ken
Bucshon, Larry
Budd, Ted
Budzinski, Nikki
Burchett, Tim
Burgess, Michael C.
Burlison, Eric
Bush, Cori
Bustos, Cheri
Butterfield, G. K.
Bynum, Janelle S.
Byrne, Bradley
Calvert, Ken
Cammack, Kat
Capuano, Michael E.
Caraveo, Yadira
Carbajal, Salud O.
Cardenas, Tony
Carey, Mike
Carl, Jerry L.
Carson, Andre
Carter, Earl L. "Buddy"
Carter, John R.
Carter, Troy A.
Cartwright, Matt
Casar, Greg
Case, Ed
Casten, Sean
Castor, Kathy
Castro, Joaquin
Cawthorn, Madison
Chabot, Steve
Chavez-DeRemer, Lori
Cheney, Liz
Cherfilus-McCormick, Sheila
Chu, Judy
Cicilline, David N.
Ciscomani, Juan
Cisneros, Gilbert Ray Jr.
Clark, Katherine M.
Clarke, Yvette D.
Clay, Wm. Lacy
Cleaver, Emanuel
Cline, Ben
Cloud, Michael
Clyburn, James E.
Clyde, Andrew S.
Coffman, Mike
Cohen, Steve
Cole, Tom
Collins, Chris
Collins, Doug
Collins, Mike
Comer, James
Comstock, Barbara
Conaway, Herbert C. Jr.
Conaway, K. Michael
Connolly, Gerald E.
Conway, Connie
Cook, Paul
Cooper, Jim
Correa, J. Luis
Costa, Jim
Costello, Ryan A.
Courtney, Joe
Cox, TJ
Craig, Angie
Cramer, Kevin
Crane, Elijah
Crank, Jeff
Crawford, Eric A. "Rick"
Crenshaw, Dan
Crist, Charlie
Crockett, Jasmine
Crow, Jason
Crowley, Joseph
Cuellar, Henry
Culberson, John Abney
Cummings, Elijah E.
Cunningham, Joe
Curbelo, Carlos
Curtis, John R.
Davids, Sharice
Davidson, Warren
Davis, Danny K.
Davis, Donald G.
Davis, Rodney
Davis, Susan A.
De La Cruz, Monica
Dean, Madeleine
DeFazio, Peter A.
DeGette, Diana
Delaney, John K.
DeLauro, Rosa L.
DelBene, Suzan K.
Delgado, Antonio
Deluzio, Christopher R.
Demings, Val Butler
Denham, Jeff
Dent, Charles W.
DeSantis, Ron
DeSaulnier, Mark
DesJarlais, Scott
D'Esposito, Anthony
Deutch, Theodore E.
Dexter, Maxine
Diaz-Balart, Mario
Dingell, Debbie
Doggett, Lloyd
Donalds, Byron
Donovan, Daniel M. Jr.
Downing, Troy
Doyle, Michael F.
Duarte, John S.
Duffy, Sean P.
Duncan, Jeff
Duncan, John J. Jr.
Dunn, Neal P.
Edwards, Chuck
Elfreth, Sarah
Ellison, Keith
Ellzey, Jake
Emmer, Tom
Engel, Eliot L.
Escobar, Veronica
Eshoo, Anna G.
Espaillat, Adriano
Estes, Ron
Esty, Elizabeth H.
Evans, Dwight
Evans, Gabe
Ezell, Mike
Fallon, Pat
Farenthold, Blake
Faso, John J.
Fedorchak, Julie
Feenstra, Randy
Ferguson, A. Drew IV
Fields, Cleo
Figures, Shomari
Finkenauer, Abby
Finstad, Brad
Fischbach, Michelle
Fitzgerald, Scott
Fitzpatrick, Brian K.
Fleischmann, Charles J. "Chuck"
Fletcher, Lizzie
Flood, Mike
Flores, Bill
Flores, Mayra
Fong, Vince
Fortenberry, Jeff
Foster, Bill
Foushee, Valerie P.
Foxx, Virginia
Frankel, Lois
Franklin, Scott
Frelinghuysen, Rodney P.
Friedman, Laura
Frost, Maxwell
Fry, Russell
Fudge, Marcia L.
Fulcher, Russ
Gabbard, Tulsi
Gaetz, Matt
Gallagher, Mike
Gallego, Ruben
Garamendi, John
Garbarino, Andrew R.
Garcia, Jesus G. "Chuy"
Garcia, Mike
Garcia, Robert
Garcia, Sylvia R.
Garrett, Thomas A. Jr.
Gianforte, Greg
Gibbs, Bob
Gill, Brandon
Gillen, Laura
Gimenez, Carlos A.
Gohmert, Louie
Golden, Jared F.
Goldman, Craig A.
Goldman, Daniel S.
Gomez, Jimmy
Gonzales, Tony
Gonzalez, Anthony
Gonzalez, Vicente
Gonzalez-Colon, Jenniffer
Good, Bob
Gooden, Lance
Goodlander, Maggie
Goodlatte, Bob
Gosar, Paul A.
Gottheimer, Josh
Gowdy, Trey
Granger, Kay
Graves, Garret
Graves, Sam
Graves, Tom
Gray, Adam
Green, Al
Green, Gene
Green, Mark E.
Greene, Marjorie Taylor
Griffith, H. Morgan
Grijalva, Raul M.
Grothman, Glenn
Guest, Michael
Guthrie, Brett
Gutierrez, Luis V.
Haaland, Debra A.
Hagedorn, Jim
Hageman, Harriet M.
Hall, Kwanza
Hamadeh, Abraham J.
Hanabusa, Colleen
Handel, Karen C.
Harder, Josh
Haridopolos, Mike
Harper, Gregg
Harrigan, Pat
Harris, Andy
Harris, Mark
Harshbarger, Diana
Hartzler, Vicky
Hastings, Alcee L.
Hayes, Jahana
Heck, Denny
Hensarling, Jeb
Hern, Kevin
Hernandez, Pablo Jose
Herrell, Yvette
Herrera Beutler, Jaime
Hice, Jody B.
Higgins, Brian
Higgins, Clay
Hill, J. French
Hill, Katie
Himes, James A.
Hinson, Ashley
Holding, George
Hollingsworth, Trey
Horn, Kendra S.
Horsford, Steven
Houchin, Erin
Houlahan, Chrissy
Hoyer, Steny H.
Hoyle, Val T.
Hudson, Richard
Huffman, Jared
Huizenga, Bill
Hultgren, Randy
Hunt, Wesley
Hunter, Duncan
Hurd, Jeff
Hurd, Will
Issa, Darrell
Ivey, Glenn
Jack, Brian
Jackson, Jeff
Jackson, Jonathan L.
Jackson, Ronny
Jackson Lee, Sheila
Jacobs, Chris
Jacobs, Sara
James, John
Jayapal, Pramila
Jeffries, Hakeem S.
Jenkins, Evan H.
Jenkins, Lynn
Johnson, Bill
Johnson, Dusty
Johnson, Eddie Bernice
Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr.
Johnson, Julie
Johnson, Mike
Johnson, Sam
Jones, Brenda
Jones, Mondaire
Jones, Walter B.
Jordan, Jim
Joyce, David P.
Joyce, John
Kahele, Kaiali'i
Kamlager-Dove, Sydney
Kaptur, Marcy
Katko, John
Kean, Thomas H. Jr.
Keating, William R.
Keller, Fred
Kelly, Mike
Kelly, Robin L.
Kelly, Trent
Kennedy, Joseph P. III
Kennedy, Mike
Kennedy, Timothy M.
Khanna, Ro
Kiggans, Jennifer A.
Kihuen, Ruben J.
Kildee, Daniel T.
Kiley, Kevin
Kilmer, Derek
Kim, Andy
Kim, Young
Kind, Ron
King, Peter T.
King, Steve
King-Hinds, Kimberlyn
Kinzinger, Adam
Kirkpatrick, Ann
Knight, Stephen
Knott, Brad
Krishnamoorthi, Raja
Kuster, Ann M.
Kustoff, David
Labrador, Raul R.
LaHood, Darin
LaLota, Nick
LaMalfa, Doug
Lamb, Conor
Lamborn, Doug
Lance, Leonard
Landsman, Greg
Langevin, James R.
Langworthy, Nicholas A.
Larsen, Rick
Larson, John B.
Latimer, George
Latta, Robert E.
LaTurner, Jake
Lawler, Michael
Lawrence, Brenda L.
Lawson, Al Jr.
Lee, Barbara
Lee, Laurel M.
Lee, Summer L.
Lee, Susie
Lee Carter, Erica
Leger Fernandez, Teresa
Lesko, Debbie
Letlow, Julia
Letlow, Luke J.
Levin, Andy
Levin, Mike
Levin, Sander M.
Lewis, Jason
Lewis, John
Liccardo, Sam T.
Lieu, Ted
Lipinski, Daniel
LoBiondo, Frank A.
Loebsack, David
Lofgren, Zoe
Long, Billy
Lopez, Greg
Loudermilk, Barry
Love, Mia B.
Lowenthal, Alan S.
Lowey, Nita M.
Lucas, Frank D.
Luetkemeyer, Blaine
Lujan, Ben Ray
Lujan Grisham, Michelle
Luna, Anna Paulina
Luria, Elaine G.
Luttrell, Morgan
Lynch, Stephen F.
MacArthur, Thomas
Mace, Nancy
Mackenzie, Ryan
Magaziner, Seth
Malinowski, Tom
Malliotakis, Nicole
Maloney, Carolyn B.
Maloney, Sean Patrick
Maloy, Celeste
Mann, Tracey
Manning, Kathy E.
Mannion, John W.
Marchant, Kenny
Marino, Tom
Marshall, Roger W.
Massie, Thomas
Mast, Brian J.
Matsui, Doris O.
McAdams, Ben
McBath, Lucy
McBride, Sarah
McCarthy, Kevin
McCaul, Michael T.
McClain, Lisa C.
McClain Delaney, April
McClellan, Jennifer L.
McClintock, Tom
McCollum, Betty
McCormick, Richard
McDonald Rivet, Kristen
McDowell, Addison P.
McEachin, A. Donald
McGarvey, Morgan
McGovern, James P.
McGuire, John J. III
McHenry, Patrick T.
McIver, LaMonica
McKinley, David B.
McNerney, Jerry
McSally, Martha
Meadows, Mark
Meehan, Patrick
Meeks, Gregory W.
Meijer, Peter
Menendez, Robert
Meng, Grace
Messer, Luke
Messmer, Mark B.
Meuser, Daniel
Mfume, Kweisi
Miller, Carol D.
Miller, Mary E.
Miller, Max L.
Miller-Meeks, Mariannette
Mills, Cory
Min, Dave
Mitchell, Paul
Molinaro, Marcus J.
Moolenaar, John R.
Mooney, Alexander X.
Moore, Barry
Moore, Blake D.
Moore, Gwen
Moore, Riley M.
Moore, Tim
Moran, Nathaniel
Morelle, Joseph D.
Morrison, Kelly
Moskowitz, Jared
Moulton, Seth
Moylan, James C.
Mrvan, Frank J.
Mucarsel-Powell, Debbie
Mullin, Kevin
Mullin, Markwayne
Murphy, Gregory F.
Murphy, Stephanie N.
Nadler, Jerrold
Napolitano, Grace F.
Neal, Richard E.
Neguse, Joe
Nehls, Troy E.
Newhouse, Dan
Newman, Marie
Nickel, Wiley
Noem, Kristi L.
Nolan, Richard M.
Norcross, Donald
Norman, Ralph
Norton, Eleanor Holmes
Nunes, Devin
Nunn, Zachary
Obernolte, Jay
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria
Ogles, Andrew
O'Halleran, Tom
Olson, Pete
Olszewski, Johnny Jr.
Omar, Ilhan
Onder, Robert F. Jr.
O'Rourke, Beto
Owens, Burgess
Palazzo, Steven M.
Pallone, Frank Jr.
Palmer, Gary J.
Panetta, Jimmy
Pappas, Chris
Pascrell, Bill Jr.
Paulsen, Erik
Payne, Donald M. Jr.
Pearce, Stevan
Pelosi, Nancy
Peltola, Mary Sattler
Pence, Greg
Perez, Marie Gluesenkamp
Perlmutter, Ed
Perry, Scott
Peters, Scott H.
Peterson, Collin C.
Pettersen, Brittany
Pfluger, August
Phillips, Dean
Pingree, Chellie
Pittenger, Robert
Plaskett, Stacey E.
Pocan, Mark
Poe, Ted
Poliquin, Bruce
Polis, Jared
Porter, Katie
Posey, Bill
Pou, Nellie
Pressley, Ayanna
Price, David E.
Quigley, Mike
Radewagen, Aumua Amata Coleman
Ramirez, Delia C.
Randall, Emily
Raskin, Jamie
Ratcliffe, John
Reed, Tom
Reichert, David G.
Renacci, James B.
Reschenthaler, Guy
Rice, Kathleen M.
Rice, Tom
Richmond, Cedric L.
Riggleman, Denver
Riley, Josh
Rivas, Luz M.
Roby, Martha
Rodgers, Cathy McMorris
Roe, David P.
Rogers, Harold
Rogers, Mike
Rohrabacher, Dana
Rokita, Todd
Rooney, Francis
Rooney, Thomas J.
Rose, John W.
Rose, Max
Rosen, Jacky
Rosendale, Matthew M. Sr.
Roskam, Peter J.
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana
Ross, Deborah K.
Ross, Dennis A.
Rothfus, Keith J.
Rouda, Harley
Rouzer, David
Roy, Chip
Roybal-Allard, Lucille
Royce, Edward R.
Ruiz, Raul
Rulli, Michael A.
Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch
Rush, Bobby L.
Russell, Steve
Rutherford, John H.
Ryan, Patrick
Ryan, Paul D.
Ryan, Tim
Sablan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho
Salazar, Maria Elvira
Salinas, Andrea
San Nicolas, Michael F. Q.
Sanchez, Linda T.
Sanford, Mark
Santos, George
Sarbanes, John P.
Scalise, Steve
Scanlon, Mary Gay
Schakowsky, Janice D.
Schiff, Adam B.
Schmidt, Derek
Schneider, Bradley Scott
Scholten, Hillary J.
Schrader, Kurt
Schrier, Kim
Schweikert, David
Scott, Austin
Scott, David
Scott, Robert C. "Bobby"
Self, Keith
Sempolinski, Joseph
Sensenbrenner, F. James Jr.
Serrano, Jose E.
Sessions, Pete
Sewell, Terri A.
Shalala, Donna E.
Shea-Porter, Carol
Sherman, Brad
Sherrill, Mikie
Shimkus, John
Shreve, Jefferson
Shuster, Bill
Simon, Lateefah
Simpson, Michael K.
Sinema, Kyrsten
Sires, Albio
Slaughter, Louise McIntosh
Slotkin, Elissa
Smith, Adam
Smith, Adrian
Smith, Christopher H.
Smith, Jason
Smith, Lamar
Smucker, Lloyd
Sorensen, Eric
Soto, Darren
Spanberger, Abigail Davis
Spano, Ross
Spartz, Victoria
Speier, Jackie
Stansbury, Melanie A.
Stanton, Greg
Stauber, Pete
Steel, Michelle
Stefanik, Elise M.
Steil, Bryan
Steube, W. Gregory
Stevens, Haley M.
Stewart, Chris
Stivers, Steve
Strickland, Marilyn
Strong, Dale W.
Stutzman, Marlin A.
Subramanyam, Suhas
Suozzi, Thomas R.
Swalwell, Eric
Sykes, Emilia Strong
Takano, Mark
Taylor, David J.
Taylor, Scott
Taylor, Van
Tenney, Claudia
Thanedar, Shri
Thompson, Bennie G.
Thompson, Glenn
Thompson, Mike
Thornberry, Mac
Tiberi, Patrick J.
Tiffany, Thomas P.
Timmons, William R. IV
Tipton, Scott R.
Titus, Dina
Tlaib, Rashida
Tokuda, Jill N.
Tonko, Paul
Torres, Norma J.
Torres, Ritchie
Torres Small, Xochitl
Trahan, Lori
Tran, Derek
Trone, David J.
Trott, David A.
Tsongas, Niki
Turner, Michael R.
Turner, Sylvester
Underwood, Lauren
Upton, Fred
Valadao, David G.
Van Drew, Jefferson
Van Duyne, Beth
Van Orden, Derrick
Vargas, Juan
Vasquez, Gabe
Veasey, Marc A.
Vela, Filemon
Velazquez, Nydia M.
Vindman, Eugene Simon
Visclosky, Peter J.
Wagner, Ann
Walberg, Tim
Walden, Greg
Walker, Mark
Walorski, Jackie
Walters, Mimi
Waltz, Michael
Walz, Timothy J.
Wasserman Schultz, Debbie
Waters, Maxine
Watkins, Steve
Watson Coleman, Bonnie
Weber, Randy K. Sr.
Webster, Daniel
Welch, Peter
Wenstrup, Brad R.
Westerman, Bruce
Wexton, Jennifer
Whitesides, George
Wied, Tony
Wild, Susan
Williams, Brandon
Williams, Nikema
Williams, Roger
Wilson, Frederica S.
Wilson, Joe
Wittman, Robert J.
Womack, Steve
Woodall, Rob
Wright, Ron
Yakym, Rudy III
Yarmuth, John A.
Yoder, Kevin
Yoho, Ted S.
Young, David
Young, Don
Zeldin, Lee M.
Zinke, Ryan K.
Committee on Agriculture
Committee on Agriculture-Minority Staff
Committee on Appropriations
Committee on Appropriations-Minority Staff
Committee on Armed Services
Committee on Armed Services - Minority Staff
Committee on Education and the Workforce
Committee on Education and the Workforce - Minority Staff
Committee on Energy and Commerce
Committee on Energy and Commerce - Minority Staff
Committee on Ethics
Committee on Financial Services
Committee on Financial Services - Minority Staff
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Committee on Foreign Affairs - Minority Staff
Committee on Homeland Security
Committee on Homeland Security - Minority Staff
Committee on House Administration
Committee on House Administration - Minority Staff
Committee on Natural Resources
Committee on Natural Resources - Minority Staff
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Minority Staff
Committee on Rules
Committee on Rules - Minority Staff
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology - Minority Staff
Committee on Small Business
Committee on Small Business - Minority Staff
Committee on the Budget
Committee on the Budget Minority Staff
Committee on the Judiciary
Committee on the Judiciary - Minority Staff
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure - Minority Staff
Committee on Veterans' Affairs
Committee on Veterans' Affairs - Minority Staff
Committee on Ways and Means
Committee on Ways and Means - Minority Staff
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - Minority Staff
Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth
Select Committee on the Climate Crisis
Select Committee on the Climate Crisis - Minority Staff
Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress
Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party
Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack
House Democratic Caucus
House Republican Conference
Select Year